With Gratitude
Greater wellness in my life has derived itself from imbalances within my body, ultimately guiding me to a healthier lifestyle and for that I am overwhelmed with gratitude.
Healthier habits accelerated for me when I no longer had access to health insurance after being diagnosed with Arnold Chiari Malformation, a condition that left me with migraines, dizziness, nausea, and fatigue. The frustration and uncertainty I endured in this process transitioned into motivation, which was one of the best things my mind could have connected. I was able to make the association that the food I was eating and the stress my body was enduring was hindering my ability to feel better. I was engaging in my health like I had never done before. I learned that the body has all the tools to cure itself and I began juicing sporadically.
Two years later, I began to experience sensitive and painful stomach issues in addition to allergies. After many unanswered questions, I decided to deepen my journey by eating a completely gluten free diet. Through education and inspiration, I also began to learn about the significance of plant based diets, eating vegan, and cleansing. I never thought I would complete a 21 day cleanse! After consuming only whole foods, juicing, eliminating coffee and finding balance, I was able to transform my body to be nearly symptom-free.
In the end, you must always be able to find what is sustainable for you. Finding what fits into your lifestyle is what will truly keep you healthy. I am a foodie at heart. I enjoy consuming meats and fish that are sourced as humanely and locally as possible, eating seasonally, and juicing daily. An ounce of wheatgrass allows me to get the nutrients that I am not always able to get. I focus on sustaining my energy so I can remain present on a daily basis and operate with the mindset to remain fearless in all my endeavours.
This company has given me the opportunity to work alongside unbelievable individuals who share their own stories of gratitude and offer inspiration everyday by showing me what it is like to overcome obstacles they have faced. My passion is creating and giving back to others and I hope that in this process I am able to do so.
Thank you for supporting our passion and allowing us to do what we do best!