General Inquiry
We are currently offering home or business deliveries and attending local farmers markets. We also have refrigerated kiosks installed at select locations. Check the Find Us page for more info.
We believe that without the use of pasteurization or processing you are able to obtain the maximum amount of nutrients and live enzymes that are not present in juice that is pasteurized, thus, we only have a 3-day shelf life, but that is why our juice is so delicious!
For us, choosing glass is really essential to our mission. To offer beautiful, vibrant nutrients while having as little impact on the environment as possible. They can be reused for many purposes or returned at one of our locations for a discount! You can receive a discount at select kiosk locations & farmers markets. If you sign up for a subscription you will receive 15% your order and you can just leave out your bottle returns for the delivery driver to bring back for us to reuse, thank you!

We currently have deliveries running on Wednesdays & Fridays. You can always opt for Saturday pickup as well! Check our Delivery area page for more info.
Our juice must be kept refrigerated or deeply chilled at all times since the product is raw, hence, you must be home, or leave out a cooler with sufficient ice/ice packs. We do notify you of the estimated delivery time so you can plan ahead if you will not be home to receive it. Some juice friends leave a key out or a have garage code for us to deliver right to their fridge in the event a best-time cannot be coordinated.
If you live in a large apartment complex and cannot leave a cooler for us, please notify us about this constraint.
You can leave them out for us to gather at your next delivery or bring them to a farmers market. We reuse all our glass bottles to prevent single use packaging and adding to our landfills.
Due to logistics, we cannot carry an inventory of customers glass jars for refills each week. So, we discount the price of our juice for those who are signing up for subscriptions.

Subscribing for weekly delivery or pickup grants you 15% off every order in which you can pause or cancel at any time.
To sign up, just start adding products to your cart with the option of “subscribe weekly and save 15%” box on the product page.
Go to “My Account” page by clicking the person icon at the top right of the website. Then go to Subscriptions. From there you can see all of them and view each one. After you click view, you can see buttons to pause, cancel, or change your payment method.
Items can be removed and added to your subscription.
To add items to your subscription, go to your active subscription page. You will see a drop down option with all the products available for subscriptions. Select desired product, click add item button, and then update items button. Once it’s added to your subscription you can then modify the quantity.
To remove something from your subscription, go to “My Account” page by clicking the person icon at the top right of the site.Then go to Subscriptions > View subscription. From here you can see the list of products in that subscription and an “X” button to the left of the name. Click that to remove. Done.

Naturally our bodies tend to desire a cleanse as the seasons change. We recommend cleansing is best during the Fall and Spring seasons. Extreme cold and extreme heat as we experience in the Summer and Winter here in New England can be more taxing than we think on our bodies, therefore, cleansing while there is a moderate change in the season is best. Think Spring or Fall cleaning.
Our cleanses are designed to give your digestive system a rest while providing your body with clean energy to operate. Resting your digestion is essential in flushing out toxins, repairing your organs and replenishing your body with clean nutrients. Thus when you are complete with your cleanse you are better prepared to enter a healthier, cleaner diet because your body will crave cleaner nutrients after cleansing. Losing weight can be a result of making these changes. Some people report losing more than 5 lbs after a cleanse, but everyone’s body is different and has different needs.
We recommend cleansing as often as you feel you need to refresh your diet. Whether or not you eat clean everyday, everyone can benefit from resting their digestion. Remember, cleansing is not an end all weight issues and eating issues. There is no quick-fix no matter what anyone says! Patience and making small changes is how to sustain your best health. And we are here for you! We’ve been there!