βThe breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep.β β Rumi
I am tucked away in the Vermont woods in my little perfect cabin, in need of some time to reflect, explore and recharge. As I sit here completely alone for the night I revel in the beautiful sound of the rain hitting the tin roof. It’s a sound that grounds and roots me to the earth. A sound I never ever get tired of. I remember sitting in my garage as a child with my grandparents who I adored listening and watching the rain and storms. It always gave me this peaceful feeling I feel today.
The wood stove keeps me warm on this cool damp night. This creates the perfect conditions to really do some inner work. To get to some root issues. It is necessary to not only take care of my physical body with proper nutrition but to also care for my mind and spirit as well. Giving myself permission and space to DO nothing and just BE brings up uncomfortabilities and insecurities that i can then begin to work on. I am working on these very things even as I write this. It’s putting myself in a comfortable capsule where I can relax enough to allow the uncomfortable “demons” to surface and to still be in a strong enough state to be aware, feel them, label them then watch and let them go. Time is funny for me and for all of us. Sometimes we don’t have enough, sometimes too much. But being FULLY ROOTED in the moment, time doesn’t exist at all. It’s in this space where I can really live, be free and grow!
– Claudia Carlson