Category Archives: Blog

Elevate Your Immune System with Ginger & Reishi

We brew Kombucha for its health benefits, taste, and the work it’s doing to our gut. Each new flavor we introduce is specifically designed to be beneficial to our bodies but also provides a pure, artisanal taste. 

So we present to you Ginger Reishi, a fusion of Ginger, locally grown Reishi mushroom and organic, caffeine-free Nettle tea.

As the seasons change and we put our bathing suits away, we welcome busy schedules and colder weather. A potential way to keep our immune systems elevated is with Reishi mushroom. Reishi mushroom contains chemicals that seem to have a variety of potentially beneficial effects, including activity against tumors (cancer) and beneficial effects on the immune system. Long ago in China, Reishi mushrooms were referred to as the “mushrooms of immortality”. This may sound a little melodramatic but new research suggests there are correlations with using the mushroom for improving immune function in select studies. 

Ginger takes this kombucha to a whole other level. The comfort we find in the familiar flavor of ginger will satisfy your taste buds and keep you sipping. Ginger contains chemicals that may reduce nausea and inflammation. Researchers believe the chemicals work primarily in the stomach and intestines, but they may also work in the brain and nervous system to control nausea. The compilation of ingredients work together to create a multitude of benefits in each bottle we fill.

Keep yourself healthy as the new season strikes and try our new Ginger Reishi kombucha.


For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. 
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

How to Alkalize + Energize!


Did You Know? There is not doubt our internal system is more delicate than we could imagine especially when it comes to the pH of our blood. Most are not aware that above or below the recommended pH range could lead to problematic symptoms and even disease. Maintaining a slightly alkaline state between 7.35 – 7.45 is just the right pH to keep our systems operating at an optimum level. When blood is below a neutral pH (7.0) it is considered that the blood is acidic, above neutral (7.0) blood is considered to be alkaline.

What Causes Acidity? Due to the Standard American Diet (SAD), our bodies are more apt to be acidic. Acid-forming foods are red meat, poultry, grains and dairy –the American diet has plenty of this, am I right? However, when our blood leans toward acidity our immune system weakens, fatigue increases, our body becomes less apt to detoxify organs making your body a potential environment for bad bacteria and disease to thrive. Stress will also increase acidity! When you experience emotional stress your body releases acid-forming hormones such as cortisol or adrenaline that is released into the body and creates inflammation. Inflammation in the body signals that your body is working to repair something. When your system is in a constant state of repair you become rundown and your immune system suffers greatly. Lack of exercise and bad habits will also form acid in the blood. Now What? The very first step, take it day by day and make small changes in your routine. Start your day with an intention. It will help you in eliminating the chatter in your head and focus on the purpose you are putting on your day. Introduce a 5-minute meditation practice, science suggests that even 1-minute is beneficial to your body. Move your body! It will help reduce stress and increase endorphins in your brain helping to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. Focus on self-care by getting a restful night sleep and slowing down, especially as the holidays approach. Most importantly, make small shifts in your diet. Increase alkaline-forming foods including most fruits, greens and vegetables, spices and herbs, beans, seeds and nuts. And drink plenty of water! Our favorite alkalizing juice is Wheatgrass. It’s high concentration of chlorophyll helps deliver oxygen to the blood. It cleanses and repairs your system while providing numerous benefits. Now that you’re more equipped, get out there an alkalize! We’d love to hear if you have something that works for you, share with us at

Love + Light,

Amanda, Angelo + Ben

Fully Rooted in Growth & Happiness

At Fully Rooted, we believe that in order to live a magnificent life, full of happiness, wonder, beauty and love, then one has to journey to the root of all the growth-stimulating areas of life. Areas such as health, relationships, financial achievement, and spirituality, are just to name a few. You cannot transcend into the level of your wildest dreams unless you understand and master the basics, effectively building an indestructible foundation for your life’s mansion. The basics are also the roots. The roots of life are the truth. It is only when we accept the truth that we can finally be happy and filled with a great sense of peace that warms our soul even in the coldest of weathers.

We personally know the amazing ripple effect that great health can have on every other area of your life. It makes the impossible possible, and turns dreams into reality. Great health is difference between a happy life and a miserable life. It is that plain and simple truth we need to come to terms with and begin to change our actions. A little change goes a long way, but it also makes your beautiful transformation sustainable. It won’t be long until you find yourself able to run around with your children like you used to, or hiking to that beautiful spot from which your vantage point overlooks the natural beauty of the land. You, and only you, can take yourself from illness to wellness… but that growth can only take place if you change.

In tandem with the realism that growth can only come from change, there has to be a balance and contentment with how your life already is… right now in this very moment. Just like the key to great health requires a journey back to the root of good food and disciplines, the same goes for your inner happiness. The root of true happiness comes from acceptance. No matter what speed your life is going at or how little or big you’ve changed in accordance to your goals, it is vital to remember that your life is exactly where it is supposed to be right in this moment of time. If you are not where you would like to be, take a breath and surrender to your acceptance and faith that you will get there, but living in this moment is the most importance thing of all. If you have changed multiple fronts of your life and are blasting through achievement after achievement, living your life at an amazing speed, then take a breath, humble yourself, and accept your life the way it is right now… nothing more, nothing less. Now. Because just as much as growth comes from change, happiness comes from acceptance of what can and cannot change at the moment, ultimately accepting yourself for who you are right now and loving every part of that.

Fully Rooted actively practices this truth and is determined to help everyone in the community that we come in contact with see and believe this for themselves. Whether it is sustainably setting someone up to change their lifestyle from an ill-based one to one full of exuberance with the power of food, or sharing a personal, motivational story from one of our seven members, assuring them that they are not alone in this journey of life, we are passionate in making this connection and offering our knowledge, energy, love and support. Always remember that the growth of anything comes from change beginning from the roots and radiates into every other area of its’ life, and happiness comes from the acceptance that life is the way it is supposed to be right now in this moment and you are exactly where you are intended to be.

Deep breath…


Much love from the Fully Rooted Team.



Sustainable Health

Listen, there are so many various diets and cleanses out there, so many in fact that there is probably a new one created every single day. The majority of them are based on the same idea, which ultimately makes them extremely appealing to the masses. This idea is to lose weight. Most of the population in our society wants to get the very best, very fast, without the work. Bigger, better, faster, stronger… with faster being the kicker. Immediate gratification, folks, that is what it’s all about. But let me tell you from first-hand experience, that immediate gratification, no matter what area in your life it comes to, is not sustainable. As fast as that gratification came, it will leave you just as quickly. Why? It is unsustainable and short-lived because you did not earn it. There was no passion involved in the actions which lead to no appreciation with the result. Period. You can either look at this truth as heartbreaking or motivating. If viewed negatively then you will without a doubt stay in the vicious circle that so many people are wound up in… always looking for a quick fix while slowly diminishing their gratitude for the amazing things in life. On the other hand, if you realize that balance and commitment equal sustainability and are passionate to reach that mastery in your life, then you will be inspired. Inspired to learn, live, love and grow. Inspired to create your life around what feels right instead of what looks right. The first step in a life that feels right is your health, plain and simple. You cannot fully feel anything without optimum health, and prime health is built from the root up… literally. Meaning what goes into your body is a direct correlation with what actions and results will be reaped from what comes out of your body. Crumple up all of those printed diet plans that you got from the internet and throw them in the garbage. Erase from your mind anything that any (for the most part) “professional” bodybuilder or fitness coach has told you in regards to what to eat and when to eat. The real deal will take discipline and dedication, but in the end there is promise and purity that will awaken you from the sleepiness that has engulfed most of your life. With the right foods producing the super nutrients and vitamins that your cells crave, there is no telling what you will be able to do with your life. Limitless. These vital nutrients and vitamins are received from the right foods. When I say the right foods, I am talking about consciously eating on a daily basis. Before putting anything into your mouth, ask yourself, “is this okay to eat?” Be honest with yourself. Of course we are all at different levels of education, especially with food knowledge, but deep down inside I believe that we all know the difference between bad foods and good foods. Flip the box over and read the Nutritional Facts and ingredients listed, look and feel the food, and really think about it… will this be good or bad for me? This is a perfect place to start your personal health reformation. Build the foundation with one stone at a time because… there is no immediate gratification with sustaining a healthy lifestyle, but I promise the results from the balance and commitment are out-of-this-world incredible! Survivor for life, Mike @ Fully Rooted

From Illness to Wellness

sunflowerI have been involved in the medical field as a phlebotomist for over 30 years. In my years I have seen more illness than I care to. Years and years of our socially acceptable American diet and lack of exercise leads to many health problems. I see people with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cancer and arthritis to name a few on a highly regular basis. All caused and controlled by diet. I hear daily “Don’t get old” or ” why do these things happen to me”. For me it’s a no brained.. Poor choices lead to poor results! I can see everyday and feel everyday the importance of good food and health choices. I wish our society would teach more about plant based diets, exercise and  its link to wellness. Then people would be less apt to have to get into the healthcare system. People complain about the healthcare system and the best way to do something about it is to not get involved  it in the first place. At Fully Rooted we believe that we can be the introduction to this lifestyle of wellness! Simply implementing fresh raw cold pressed juice a few times a day everyday can have so many benefits! Its a path to wellness that can lead you to better and better positive decisions to take your health and life to the next level!  At work I do try to convey this message to as many that will listen. I feel I make a difference as a bridge to both worlds and someday my wish is to have everyone prevent and heal disease through diet and exercise.

What juicer is best for you?

So you are hearing all of this talk about how juicing has shifted lives from illness to wellness and that there are benefits which are seemingly endless. The results are factual and statistical, plus you can visibly see extraordinary results of juicing with first-hand experience by speaking and meeting each and every one of our members here at Fully Rooted, Inc. The decision is made and you want to make the change in your life to provide a cell-boosting nectar to yourself every day from the convenience of your own home. But how do you get started and what type of juicer do you purchase? Great question!

First off, any juicer is better than NO juicer. However, there are certain types that not only yield more juice than others but also produce more nutrient-dense juice. Two main types of juicers are Masticating and Centrifugal. A Centrifugal juicer uses a high-speed, heated machine to grind up the fruits and vegetables, resulting in denigrated, pulp-free juice. The loss of vital nutrients is contributed to the heat that is used to juice the fruits and vegetables. The Pulp Ejector Juicers are very similar to Centrifugal juicers, in the sense that they use heat to extract the juice and spit the pulp out in a separate chamber.

We at Fully Rooted, Inc. choose the Masticating type juicers for there ability to yield an efficient amount of juicer but there are no compromising of life-sustaining nutrients from the fruits and vegetables. Masticating juicers either use a single or double gear (auger) that grinds up the fruit and vegetable fibers and breaks up the plant, resulting in more enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Masticating juicers are generally more effective than Centrifugal juicers because they can extract more juice from the same amount of food. Masticating juicers will also extract juice from wheatgrass (oh yea!), spinach, and other leafy greens and herbs.

Masticating juicers operate at slower speeds than centrifugal juicers, essentially allowing them to put more TLC (tender love and care) into your fruits and veggies and giving you more nutrition in your glass. In addition to extracting juices, these kinds of juicers also homogenize foods to make baby foods, sauces, nut butters, banana ice creams and fruit sorbets! Now we’re talking!!

You are now informed on the productivity and efficiency of the two main types juicers out there, but there is still the issue of your wallet and dishing out the cash for one of these magical machines. The prices vary from around $55 for a hand-crank wheatgrass juicer all the way upwards to around $2000 for a Norwalk Juicer (top of line in every aspect of a juicer). But please don’t let the cost sway you from buying a juicer. You can find one that is affordable and the investment into your health is priceless and guaranteed to be the best decision you could ever make.

Take a look at a couple of brand named juicer companies that we are now distributors for. Fully Rooted can help you in your decision to buy a juicer. We offer competitive prices because we want you to be the healthiest and happiest that you can possibly be!

Omega Juicers, offering all types of juicers –

Lexen Juicers, offering juicers that specialize in wheatgrass –

A Natural Energy Booster

yellow flower energy     You’ve had a long day. Your body feels completely drained by 3:00pm, but you know there is so much more that needs to be done before you retire for the night. This can be frustrating and exhausting. However, the solution to your problem lies right in your refrigerator, waiting for you to make the move. Juicing restores vital nutrients and minerals to your body that may have been loss just due to a normal day of working, walking, thinking, and talking. Simple stuff that we do all of the time takes energy. Sure, it may be small amounts of energy, but it adds up! Now throw malnutrition or a vitamin deficiency into the mix, and that is a recipe for disaster (or naps!). Drinking a 10-12 ounce juice packed with your favorite fruits and vegetables will give you a boost of energy to make you feel alive and productive for the rest of the day! Many people rely on energy drinks and excessive coffee to perk them up out of the zombie-like state they may be in when mid-afternoon begins to roll around. It’s a fact that the hours between 1:00pm and 4:00pm are where the majority of people feel the most tired, so a quick fix is extremely appealing. But stop loading your body up (the only body you have) with artificial and unhealthy substances. You’re ultimately masking the problem, and will eventually have to deal with it at some point. The problem is the malnutrition and deficiencies from life-sustaining vitamins and micronutrients. We now live in a world that is fixated on convenience, so what if I was to tell you that there is a convenient way to get a healthy source of energy? JUICE! Juicing will consistently and honestly flood your body, from the feet up, with buzzing happiness and bursting color that will leave you feeling alive and well. It is sustainable. It is obtainable. Give yourself what you deserve!

{Fully Rooted} in the now…

“The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep.”  ― Rumi
“The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep.”
― Rumi
  I am tucked away in the Vermont woods in my little perfect cabin, in need of some time to reflect, explore and recharge. As I sit here completely alone for the night I revel in the beautiful sound of the rain hitting the tin roof. It’s a sound that grounds and roots me to the earth. A sound I never ever get tired of. I remember sitting in my garage as a child with my grandparents who I adored listening and watching the rain and storms. It always gave me this peaceful feeling I feel today. The wood stove keeps me warm on this cool damp night. This creates the perfect conditions to really do some inner work. To get to some root issues. It is necessary to not only take care of my physical body with proper nutrition but to also care for my mind and spirit as well. Giving myself permission and space to DO nothing and just BE brings up uncomfortabilities and insecurities that i can then begin to work on. I am working on these very things even as I write this. It’s putting myself in a comfortable capsule where I can relax enough to allow the uncomfortable “demons” to surface and to still be in  a strong enough state to be aware, feel them, label them then watch and let them go. Time is funny for me and for all of us. Sometimes we don’t have enough, sometimes too much. But being FULLY ROOTED in the moment, time doesn’t exist at all. It’s in this space where I can really live, be free and grow! – Claudia  Carlson

Boost Children's Nutrition with the Power of Juice


Kids are in a constant state of growth. Their bodies are in great demand of the highest quality foods possible to enrich their inevitable growth and build a foundation of all-around health. The process is easy once the body gets the nutrition that it needs, but getting your children to consistently eat or drink nutritiously is the hard part. Taste, texture, and the marketing of the product play a huge role in how our children eat and drink. It is nice to see more and more health-driven food companies market their products towards the younger crowd, but let’s be honest, it still is not making the difference that we need if we want to change the poor eating habits that the majority of people are stuck in. It is up to us to surround our little ones with food and beverage that will allow them to flourish in their lives. This is where juicing comes in. It is the key to the door that will lead to a more healthier and happier lifestyle. When your child is old enough, don’t you give them a spare key to their home in case of emergency and for general peace of mind? Well, what if you found out that not only could you give your child a key to shelter, but to also good health. Raw cold-pressed juicing does just that.

Whether it is a dozen different fruits and vegetables being juiced or just two types, the result is the same: an abundance of vitamins and micro-nutrients into your child’s body, immediately. This amount of concentrated nutrients (primarily made up of micro-nutrients, phytochemicals, minerals, pro vitamins, and amazing antioxidants) simply cannot be consumed daily with a typical adult diet…  never mind your child’s. But almost anyone can drink 10-12 ounces of juice at least once a day. That is all it takes. One glass = Pure Health. 

Our juice is made by pushing fresh fruits and vegetables through an auger style juicer ( There are different types of juicers, all good for different reasons, but we find this type to be the most efficient when considering quality and cost. You get high quality, unheated juice that is ready for you to drink as is or strained (some fibrous pulp remains in the juice). A little tip: strain all kid’s juices, they will definitely enjoy it better and decrease the possibility of them not liking it. It is a fairly simple three-step process that you can actually involve your kids in to elevate the experience a little more and make it fun for the whole family. First wash and cut the produce. Next, juice! With an auger style juicer you push the fruits and vegetables down through the “drum” and watch the pulp come out the end, while the raw cold-pressed juice drains out of the bottom into your drinking container of choice. Lastly, and this is purely optional, you strain the juice (using an appropriately sized strainer). Enjoy!

It is our responsibility to provide our children the finest nutrients that are available to us. Cold-pressed juicing is the answer, and a fun and exciting one at that! It is the ultimate way to make a shift in health for the next generation. Every child should have a “juicstache”! Try it for yourself or contact us at Fully Rooted to either provide you with the juice itself or ways to educate and inform yourself if you are interested in incorporating a juicing regiment into your life.

Happy Juicing!

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